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Lexi is a gorgeous girl that hasn't had much luck dating. Men only want one thing and she isn't about to have sex until she is in a long term releationship. She has strong views about those types of thingsShe has been told by a friend that she should try Master's Match Making service. She pays a lot of money and goes through a long screening process before she finally gets to watch the orientation video...After Lexi gets her "orientation" she becomes the perfect date for Mitchell.Category: female training FANTASIES mind fuck, erotic magic control submissive/slave training SUBMISSIVE SLUTS SLUT TRAINING WOMAN FOLLOWING ORDERS MESMERIZE MENTAL DOMINATION male domination maledom mantras missionary fucking boygirl BG sex positions xxx hardcore doggystyle moaning fetish orgasms CIM blowjobs blow jobs cum in mouth facials oral sex oral servitude
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